About Stolen Trailer Registry Australia
About Us
Trailer theft costs the community millions of dollars per year in lost assets and lost income. The rise of trailer theft and the sale of stolen trailers is a very costly problem and this community initiative between ViperTrak Vehicle Tracking and Crime Stoppers is a step in the right direction to suppress these activities.
Introducing trailer.com.au, a free website where members of the community post, review, and report information about stolen trailers. The site enables the users to log in and upload images and information about their trailers, this information is stored securely in a database ready to be called on when / If it is required. In the event that the user’s trailer is stolen the listing can be updated and the trailer and information will be available to the general public.
Any member of the general public can browse the listings, this gives the buyers of second-hand trailers a way to check and see if the trailer has been stolen before going ahead with an illegal purchase.
With community help, this initiative can grow and become a significant crime prevention tool.

Work With Us
Stolen Trailer Registry relies on sponsors to maintain and improve our service. If you’d like to contact us regarding sponsorship or collaborating with us, get in touch below.